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Another Deception Page 11
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Page 11
Jacks never said a word as he listened intently to the rescue he and Dwight manipulated and nodded as she described the double wedding in Vegas. When she began to relay what happened recently with the DNA samples and the results from it, he stopped her and stood up.
“What you are telling me is that my birth mother is alive and there is proof. It feels like a dream, except when you speak of Honey, I feel these intense feelings. I need to see her, and then maybe, just maybe I will remember everything more clearly. As you were talking of the fairgrounds in Philadelphia, I could picture it and when you described Honey, it felt right. I have to remember everything good and bad and I want to start with her…my wife.”
Dwight stood with him.
“Are you sure you feel up to doing that now? We can do it tomorrow. She is past danger now and the doctors say she will recover completely in time.”
Jacks insisted,
“I will be fine when I see her and can remember more than the bits and pieces of the last year of my life. I can handle everything as long as I understand and I will not be able to understand until I remember everything. I am afraid if it does not happen fast then it will slip away forever.”
“The doctor did say the sooner you remembered the better but I have to caution you, any return of your memory must stay among the four of us. Certain people have to believe you remember nothing. I believe Asa thinks if he can wipe away the last year, he can start all over with you. Do you think you can do that?”
Jacks looked funny when he replied.
“I have no idea how I know this, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
He turned to look at Sheila who was trying hard not to look amused.
“You said I accepted Christ and became a Christian. I must have taken that serious…very serious if I am quoting Bible. In my heart, I know there has been an amazing change in my life and it is due to God. The same God I used to deny existed now is a huge part of me and I want to remember every little detail!”
This caused Sheila to give a little laugh. It broke the tension of their conversation, lightening the mood.
“Jacks, there are two things you are dead serious about and that is God and Honey! Come on, let’s go see her! Did I tell you that Jean is there with her? She drove down from the Pocono Mountains to help…a darn good thing too. I did not realize she was that close. Of course, you probably do not remember Jean, but she and Honey are the best of friends. Actually we all are. She is just a sweetheart, you will see. Let’s go!”
They were about to go out the door when Detectives Cranford and Dear knocked. Dwight swung the door open.
“Hello! We were just about to go check on Honey. Is this something that can wait until later?”
Cranford smiled and nodding said,
“Sure. We mostly want to look around here some more and Anna has given us permission…but we do need a sit down with you all very soon. Jacks, I hope you are feeling much better. Are you remembering anything yet?”
Jacks stared at the man as he spoke, concentrating on his voice. Just as he was about to reply, Dwight spoke quickly.
“He is feeling better but we really should be going. We want to check on Honey and we will certainly get together for you later, if you would like detective.”
With that, he shuffled Jacks out the door with Sheila close behind them.
Cranford watched them leave and remarked to his partner,
“I think our man is coming round. I wonder why they want to keep that from us.”
Frank looked strange for a second but answered without hesitation,
“They do not trust us obviously and that may be as it should be.”
“Why so?”
“Think about it. Everything they have been through, would you trust us?”
This brought a chuckle from Cranford.
“Probably not, but never mind them right now. We need to get to work. I am glad Anna has given us permission to search the place again without all the red tape. There has to be something we missed. If you were Sang-mi and had something you wanted to hide, where would you hide it?”
Frank was looking around the entranceway, which was large enough to be a room and said,
“Where it would be too obvious, right under our noses and where we would look right past it.”
“Exactly! If only we had an idea what we are looking for…paper would be my guess but it could be an object of some sort.”
They walked into the living room where everything was back in order from the break-in and each went about picking up things studying them carefully. When they had scoured that room thoroughly, Cranford suggested they split up.
“I will go upstairs while you go through the rest of the downstairs.”
Cranford went up the stairs, sliding his hand along the deep richness of the mahogany wood the rail was fashioned from, thinking that Sang-mi had good taste even if she did seem such a simple soul.
There was no clutter in the whole place but amazing art strategically placed throughout the house. At the top of the stairs, a table stood flush with the wall and over it was a large gold gilded mirror. As he stood in front of it, he gazed at his reflection noting the white of his hair and the leathery, deep-set wrinkles due to spending most of his life outdoors getting too much sun. He showed his teeth thinking that at least he still had them. Sighing, he was about to turn away when something in the mirror caught his attention. Turning around and looking across the landing, he murmured,
“Well, I will be a sonofagun, what have we got here?”
He was looking at a Korean calendar hanging on the opposite wall from the mirror. It was large, made of bamboo with a picture on the top side and the calendar on the bottom.
“Hey, Frank, get up here!”
His loud voice reached to where Frank was downstairs and running to the bottom of the stairs, he asked excitedly,
“You found something already?”
“I think I did.”
“A calendar.”
“A calendar?”
“Come up here.”
When the younger man was looking over his shoulder, he pointed at the writings.
“It’s Korean. Help me get it down.”
“What makes you think this would be what we are looking for?”
“I don’t know, just a hunch. Here help me with it…now hand it to me…”
Cranford reached for it as Frank pulled it down. When he had it in his hands, he started down the stairs with Frank close behind mumbling,
“I do not see how a calendar could possible hold a secret, but it is obvious and right there so maybe you are right.”
Down the stairs, Cranford hurried to the kitchen where he laid the calendar flat on the table.
“Now, only if we could read this. We have to take it to Anna. She will be able to get it translated. Discreetly. She is the reason I noticed it in the first place. She made a statement the other day when we were chatting…”
“Sang-mi used to say to her, ‘remember, a good mirror always shows one the truth.’ Get this. She said a good mirror so that does not mean just a mirror but one of quality. The one upstairs there? I would definitely call that a quality mirror, wouldn’t you?”
“I guess, yes, I would.”
“This was placed directly across the landing from that mirror, so if you look into the mirror you can’t help but see the calendar! Got me?”
Frank was looking studious but coming up short.
“Not sure I do, but maybe I will after I know what it says. Come on, let’s go see Anna.”
They rolled the bamboo up carefully and headed out.
When the three walked through Honey’s door, Jean was gently brushing her hair back. Immediately, she stood and moved away giving Jacks her place at Honey’s side. Honey looked at him, a slight smile touching her trembling lips. Her eyes sparkle
d with tears as Jacks stood over her, compassion flooding his soul, for he instinctively knew that he loved this woman with all his heart. Dwight and Sheila stood back with Jean, watching the emotional reunion as he picked Honey’s hand up and kissed it gently, his own eyes misty with tears.
“Could you all leave us for a few minutes? I would like some time alone with her, please.”
When they left, he looked at her and whispered.
“I could never forget you. Never!”
Honey was weak and could not respond as she wanted to and though she desperately wanted to stay awake, the meds she was taking caused her to drift off again, but she clung to Jacks’ hand while he sat watching her with a sadness he could not shake. Memories began to flood him as he relived the past year, vividly remembering Asa and the group of people who wanted to destroy the world with their evil.
He whispered many things to Honey, while he sat with her not knowing if she heard him or not. Then loosening his hand from hers, he kissed her forehead and eased out of the room.
He found his friends still sitting with coffees and joined them at the table.
“She is sleeping soundly.”
Jean said,
“It is the meds. She has been sleeping constantly since I have been here. The doctor said it is good for her.”
“Did he say how long it will take for her to be well enough to take home?”
“Weeks. He said it is very important that she heal before going a long distance and suggested a convalescing home nearby.”
Jean hesitated, and then took a deep breath.
“I did not think you would like that idea so I…I asked him if we could take her to where I have been staying. By ambulance, of course. It is only about forty minutes from here, just over the state line and I have a friend who is a retired nurse who has volunteered to help oversee her care. I hope you do not think I was presumptuous…I so want to be of help and the city is really not a good place for Honey to recuperate.”
Jean stopped and looked to Sheila for support for they had already discussed this and both she and Dwight thought it a splendid idea. Sheila did not disappoint her.
“We agree Jacks. The last place Honey needs to spend time healing is here in the city. Since she will not be able to travel for a while, the offer is really hard to turn down, don’t you think?”
Jacks was listening and he did think it was a great plan and said so.
“It is very nice of your friend, Jean. I appreciate it. How soon can we transfer her? Did they say? I would like to speak with the doctor also. It is an excellent plan.”
Dwight sitting back observing, knew Jacks was back. If not completely then almost, for he was acting more himself, full of confidence as he was before the accident happened. Leaning forward, he said in a hushed tone,
“Jacks, you have remembered?”
When Jacks nodded, he continued to speak quietly,
“That is wonderful but, we need to continue to let the doctors here think otherwise. It will get back to Asa and be better if he believes he succeeded in his plan to rob you of this past year. Do you think you can do that?”
“I can do anything if it will protect the ones I love. Jean, are you sure this is not an imposition on your friends?”
Looking pleased with the reception of her idea, she smiled and nodded,
“I have talked with Romona and she will have a room made up to facilitate Honey’s special needs and also has room for the rest of us as well. I have finished my work and can devote my time to helping her so I will stay there for sure. It is a large farmhouse, not real fancy but a great homey atmosphere which I think will be perfect for Honey’s recovery.”
Dwight responded, indicating Sheila, who offered no objection.
“That is generous of her but I will be taking this one here, home. We know with you Jean, she will be well cared for. Of course Jacks, you will also stay with them, will you not?”
Jacks shook his head.
“I will not be going with them but I will follow later. I have some things to set straight here first.”
It was not something Sheila wanted to hear and she could not help but to burst out angrily at him.
“No Jacks, you need to stay away from those people. Just get away from them and stay! Go with Honey and Jean, please! You remember now how it was. You cannot possibly think you can outsmart that man!”
“Sheila, go on home and do not worry about me. I have to do whatever it takes to assure those I love are safe. I may not be able to outsmart him but we know someone who can and I will depend upon His guidance for my direction. Just send extra prayers up for me and I shall be fine.”
Sheila gave Dwight an unhappy look when he backed him up firmly.
“He is right. There are things he must do to break whatever hold Asa has on him and he will go with God’s blessings as well as ours. If things were different I would go with him as well.”
“Thank you, Dwight. I appreciate you. Now I think we should find out how soon we can arrange to have this transfer done. After that, I should seem angry and storm off, leaving the bunch of you. I am not sure Honey will remember anything I said to her but I explained to her what I must do, once and for all.”
The next little while was so surreal that Jean almost doubted for a minute that it was an act.
They made sure to be within sight and hearing range of the nurse’s station and as prearranged, Jacks stormed off with a deep frown on his face that he did not have to fake. He was deeply concerned at how Honey was going to respond when she realized he was no longer at her side.
Circling around them was a host of angelic beings who held back the demons who were sneakily trying to weasel their way close enough to cause havoc on those whom they hated passionately. Their report back to their master would not be a welcome one for they were not able to penetrate the wall of angelic security surrounding these elect. As Jacks left the hospital there were two who went with him, assigned to protect him from harm.
He made his way to Sang-mi’s house where he found the bags he and Honey brought with them. Someone had placed them back into the room they used while there. As he was sorting through his bag, his eyes fell on the suit jacket he wore to the funeral and was reminded of the sealed envelope he had placed in the inside pocket. Reaching in, he was relieved to find that it was still there. He took it out and for a full moment held it, thinking this would be the last words he would ever have from his dear friend, Sang-mi.
Hesitantly, he carefully opened the envelope and took out the single sheet of paper. The handwriting was familiar. The neatness, a trademark, and he read the words she had ever so carefully written for him in English.
My dearest Jacks,
If you are reading this, then I am no longer in your world but a much nicer one. I have not left you alone to fight your enemy. The greatest master of the universe is with you and I have no fear that you will not win this battle of the spirits. When you first come to me, I believe in many gods. My father was a shaman, which passed down to me. Much magic I used before the evening you chose my place to eat with your friends, planning to get away without the pay. You always thought you were the lucky one but I tell you now that it was I, who found the luck. You see, the night before that happened, a man from the heavens, came to me in my dreams, and told me this would happen. He also instructed me how I was to handle this event as well as more to come. This man, from the heavens, explains to me about the one true God of the universe. No more Sang-mi believe in many gods but one true God who love her so much, He trust her with very valuable boy. You have been as child of my own womb and Sang-mi love you very much. She knows the privilege of see you grow to a man from afar but closer than you think. I leave you these words to give you courage you will need to battle the evil one. Do not be afraid for the path has been set before you, as the one true God has said. It is to be as He wishes, so go fearless into battle, dear one, for you cannot lose. The thing to remember is my love.
Sang-mi, who now watch
you from the other side.
Jacks folded the paper back and returned it to the envelope. He then placed it in the bottom of his bag and zipped it up. Looking around the room with dry eyes, it was his heart, which cried the tears for the only mother figure of his entire life.
“Oh, but you are wrong Sang-mi! It was my lucky day when I was the only one you caught as we tried to sneak out of your place.”
He remembered vividly the horror of her hand catching hold of the back of his shirt. The others had run, leaving him behind to wash dishes the rest of the night. At the end when he would have left to sleep in a park nearby, the little Korean lady had taken him home with her and handing him a clean set of clothes left behind by a son, insisted he bath before crawling into a wondrously clean bed. It was the first he had slept on since running away from the last foster home at sixteen. She then insisted he go back to school for his diploma and she funded his college. He owed her more than he could ever repay. Now, she was gone. He thought about scriptures he and Honey studied about where the dead were and fully believed that they were not in a grave somewhere, but present with the Father.
“Be happy Sang-mi and see you soon!”
With this, he walked out of the room and out of the house to the garage where Sang-mi stored a car for visitors to use. Not sure, of where he was going, he found himself headed to the offices he last knew Garrett to work and though he had no idea what he would do when he got there, he felt a certain peace within his soul.
The doctor arranged for Honey’s transfer to the mountain village of Canadensis. It was located only forty miles from Manhattan, going across a tip of New Jersey, before crossing the Pennsylvania state line and up into the Pocono Mountains. Jean surprisingly took charge and Dwight felt she was more than competent to take care of everything and made flight plans to leave the next day for home. He wanted to leave immediately, but Sheila insisted that if she did not see Jean and Honey settled in, she would do nothing but worry them both miserable. He knew she spoke the truth. It was easy enough to wait one more day. They would leave from an airport closer to Canadensis after spending one night to make sure everything went smoothly.